Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Peranan IL-17 terhadap Patogenesis Penyakit Periodontal

A/N: Yeah, untuk kesekian kalinya, saya kembali mengulas mengenai keterlibatan Interleukin-17 dalam progresifitas penyakit yang ada di rongga mulut. Saat ini, saya membahasnya pada penyakit periodontal.
Interleukin 17 (IL-17) is product of TH17 that induced by TGFβ and IL-6. IL-17 play role in inflammatory respone as one of cytokine proinflamatory. Directly, its stimulates LIX and CXC1 (reseptor of lipopolysacharide) in neutrofil. LIX and CXC1 is used for recruiting neutrofil to the infected area. Furthermore, IL-17 co-operate with TLR 2 and TLR 5 induces human epithelial gingiva cells to produce cytokine proinflamatory, such as IL-1β and TNF-α. However, IL-17 initiates bone destruction by activates RANKL. These effect is lead to periodontal disease.

Keyword: IL-17, Periodontal disease, cytokine proinflamatory, neutrofil

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