Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Peran Interferon pada Pathogenesis Sindrom Sjogren

Sjogren sindrom is a chronic autoimmune exocrinopathy distinguished by dry eyes and mouth. Its commonly affect 0,7% of the European population. Recent studies have reported on the association of interferon in the pathogenesis of Sjogren syndrom. Interferon is lead to salivary gland dysfunction by two mechanism, direct and indirect pathway. In the direct pathway, interferon may alter the structure and function of Tigth junction (TJ), and decrease Transepithelial Resistance (TER) of epithelial salivary gland cell. In the indirect pathway, Interferon could generate autoimmune system by interact with lymphocyte B and T. All these mechanism are lead to salivary gland dysfunction and dry mouth (xerostomia).

Keyword: Interferon, Sjogren syndrom, salivary gland cell, autoimmune, dry mouth.

1. Alamanos Y, N Tsifetaki, PV Voulgari, AI Vnetsanopoulou, C Siozos, AA Drosos. Epidemiology of primary Sjogren syndrom in north-west greece, 1982-2003. Rheumatology 2006; 45:187-191.
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6. Ittah M, C Miceli-Richars, J-E Gotterberg, F Lavie, T Lazure, N Ba. B cell-activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor family (BAFF) is exprssed under stimulation by interferon in salivary gland epithelial cells in promary Sjogren syndrom. Arthritis res Ther 2006; 8:1-9.
7. Brkic Z, NI Maria, CG van Helden-Meeuwsen, JP van de Merwe, PL van Daele, VA Dalm, et al. Prevalence of interferon type I signature in CD14 monocytes of patients with Sjogren’s syndrome and association with disease activity and BAFF gene expression. Ann Rheum Dis 2013; 72:728-35.
8. Bave U, G Nordmark, T Lovgren, J Ronnelid, S Cajander, M-L Eloranta, et al. Activation of the type I interferon system in primary Sjogren syndrom. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52(4):1185-95.
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11. Li H, JA Ice, CJ Lessard, KL Sivils. Interferons in Sjogren syndrome: genes, mechanisms, and effects. Front Immunol 2013; 4:1-7.
12. Katsiougiannis S, R Tenta, FN Skopouli. Activation of AMP-Activated protein kinase by adiponectin rescues salivary gland epithelial cells form spontaneous and interferon-Katsiougiannis S, R Tenta, FN Skopouli. Activation of AMP-Activated protein kinase by adiponectin rescues salivary gland epithelial cells form spontaneous and interferon-γ-induced apoptosis. Arthritis Rheum 2010; 62(2):414-9.
13. Nandula S, P Dey, KL Corbin, C Nunemaker, H Bagavant, US Desmukh. Salivary gland hypofunction induced by activation of innate immunity is dependent on type I interferon signaling. J Oral Pathol Med 2013; 42(1):66-72.
14. Baker OJ, JM Camden, RS Redman, JE Jones, CI Seye, L Erb, et al. Proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ alter tight junction structure and function in the rat parotid gland par-c10 cell line. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2008; 295:1191-201.
15. Arellano-Garcia ME, K Misuno, SD Tran, S Hu. Interferon-γ induces immunoproteasomes and the presentation of MHC I-associated peptides on human salivary gland cells. PloS One 2014 9:1-9.
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A/N:Setelah lama hiatus, akhirnya Dea kembali mengupload salah satu makalah yang kemarin sempat jadi tugas. Semoga bermanfaat ya. Maaf masih belajar, hehe jadi masih jauh dari sempurna makalahnya ^^.
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